Website on Title 20 Water-Saving Standards is Flush with Information

Licensees who work with plumbing fittings and fixtures should know that new, more stringent regulations have gone into effect for certain appliances covered under California's Title 20 water efficiency standards.
Certain types of lavatory faucets and aerators, as well as showerheads, purchased or installed after July 1, 2016 are now required to operate at higher efficiencies to save water and energy. The new standards are called for under the California Appliance Efficiency Regulations, first approved in 1976 and updated regularly since that time.
The requirements are part of the California Code of Regulations, Title 20, Public Utilities and Energy, most recently updated in April 2016. "Title 20," as the rule is known, establishes water flow standards for lavatories, toilets, urinals, showerheads, faucets, and aerators in California homes and public areas.
A website set up through the California Statewide Codes & Standards Program offers free energy code training, tools, and resources to help contractors who work with appliances that must comply with the more stringent standards. The Energy Code Ace site is administered by the state's investor-owned utilities under the auspices of the state Public Utilities Commission and California Energy Commission (CEC). The site "decodes" the new standards set by Title 20, as well as the more comprehensive Title 24 energy savings mandate.
For those seeking information on Title 20, a Plumbing Fittings and Fixtures Fact Sheet can be downloaded on the Energy Code Ace website. Licensees also can view on-demand video training on certification, learn about using the CEC's Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database to determine if plumbing products conform with new standards, or email staff with questions.